Buying a home generator is easy. Buying the right one, now that’s the hard part.

With so many different types and sizes available, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly which one will do the job that you want it to.

Whether you’re a first-time buyer or you’re looking to replace an existing one, there are plenty of considerations in deciding which generator suits your home best.

Whether it’s cost or power output that floats your boat, dig into this perfect guide. We will point you in the right direction in choosing the right generator for your home.

Which factors should I consider?

For what do I need a generator?

Put simply, before you buy a generator for your home, you need to understand for what it will be used. As well as that, you’ll need to have an idea of the scale of its use: How many appliances will it be required to power? 

Once you have an idea on those questions, you can start to find the particular type of generator which works best for your set tasks. 

The type of generator

The most important aspect of a home generator is its type. Whether that’s how it generates power or how large/portable it is, there are plenty of different types from which to choose. 

This is where it’s helpful to have an idea of your planned use for your generator to give you the best possible idea of which type suits your specific needs.

Here’s a useful list of the most common types of generators to cater for needs at home.

Home Standby Generator

The home standby, or the whole home generator, is a great backup generator to power up your home if you have a power cut.

Natural gas or propane power these types of generators. Solar power can also do this job.

Home standby generators are essential for those who experience power outages regularly: Any houses situated in disaster zones will require a generator like this.

Naturally, they are brilliant in this situation. They have the ability to run when the power is cut. As it is built into the electrical system of your house, you won’t need any extension cords to power certain electronics.

Portable Generator
Home Generators 2
Portable Generators can be taken anywhere and are used for small devices such as laptops

The name is a big clue here. You can move these generators easily from one place to another. They can help to power appliances on the go or just round and about your home.

They commonly run on petrol but there are also propane and solar options. 

A portable generator can power basic appliances or power tools but if you’re looking for peace and quiet, or intend on taking it to a public place, when powering your appliances, you’ll have to look elsewhere for a different option.

Inverter Generator

If chilled generation is indeed your bag, an inverter generator may well be the one for you.

Perfect for outdoor use, this generator is lovely and quite. It will make a great job of charging your sensitive electronic devices such as smartphones or laptops.

If you like camping, this will be very useful to have with you. It will keep any camping or small lighting equipment going.

And this best thing? They’re pretty kind to the environment too!

Petrol Generator

The most common generators you’ll find around are petrol generators which can power basic appliances and electronics.

You’ll easily be able to find them if you shop around and are usually among the cheapest options for a home generator.

You must maintain a petrol generator to use it safely, though. Store petrol for only a few months and ensure that the generator gets plenty of TLC while in use or left idle.

If you do look after it, they can be incredibly useful and there are even silent ones just like this generator which is ideal for outdoor use.

Both petrol and diesel are becoming increasingly expensive to buy during the current cost-of-living crisis so other options look more and more enticing by the day.

Diesel Generator

You might have guessed that a diesel generator works in a very similar way to their petrol counterparts.

Like cars, the diesel generator will perform more efficiently but the fuel is more expensive to buy. However, the engine is not as strained by a diesel generator.

It would be kinder to the environment to use the petrol version, though.

Solar Generator

With the high prices of fuel mentioned before, a solar generator seems like a no-brainer. But you’ll have worked out that they work best when the sun is shining and not so much when it’s not. Having a fuel-based generator instead for emergencies would be a good plan.

Solar generators don’t need too much maintenance, are quiet and free of emissions, perfect for indoor use. They can easily power basic gadgets, light sources, and appliances in case of emergency.

You can even add more solar panels to increase its power.

Natural Gas Generator
Home Generators 1
Pipes directly power natural gas generators

Unlike petrol and diesel-powered ones, a natural gas generator relies on pipelines and gives out fewer emissions.

They can also power basic gadgets and appliances and are one of the most cost-effective options after the set up.

That part is fiddly with a connection directly to a pipeline needed but you can rely upon it during a power cut.

Understanding wattage

Now that you have an idea of the different types, it’s helpful to know the required wattage you’ll need for your generator’s planned use.

Consider all the appliances and gadgets that you are looking to power using your generator. Add up all their wattage output and you’ll have an idea of how much you’ll need.

Size and cost

The final aspect you should consider is the size and cost of the generator for which you’re shopping. 

Both the size and cost of the types of generator mentioned above vary widely. So it’s important to understand the space in which you’re planning to put the generator and your budget.

A more permanent generator, used for power cuts and capable of powering multiple large appliances will cost far more than an inverter generator which is best used for small electrical devices such as laptops.

The best home generator

Make sure to pick the generator which meets your needs

Knowing which generator to buy for your home depends on each owner and home and what they both need. Now you’ll hopefully be able to match the right generator to your needs.

Generators that use fuel types such as diesel or petrol are easier and more convenient to run with their energy source easy to find. You can move them anytime or anywhere and use them for different purposes. Solar power, however, is a great option for those of us who are conscious about our environmental foot print.

If you are looking for something more permanent, home standby generators and natural gas generators are set in place. They’re also very reliable for emergency purposes in your home.

Coming soon to Yavolo in September 2023, are even more ways to power your home.

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Last Update: January 30, 2024