It’s quite often the little things that can make work actually enjoyable and being comfortable is definitely one of those factors

Having a comfortable working area is crucial. Not only does it help with your productivity but it can also boost your own morale and those around you.

There are many ways to add comfort to your working environment. Of course, everyone is different and so you must do what works for you. However, we can still give you some general tips which you can then apply to yourself and your working life.


Comfortable Work Light
Having plenty of natural light nurtures your productivity and well-being at work

A well-lit room or space can produce a more comfortable and, therefore, productive office environment.

Studies show a correlation between great lighting and a more productive working day. This also explains why libraries and study halls in universities have dedicated desk lamps for each space.

You can use a rechargeable LED lamp for instant lighting anywhere in your office or home. But also, don’t forget about mixing in natural light.

If actual natural light is hard to come by at work, you can purchase lamps which emit natural light. However, it’s worth pointing out: You can’t beat the real thing!

Clean Desk

Comfortable Work Neat
A neat and tidy desk will help your mind also stay clear

As the saying goes: A tidy home, a tidy mind and this goes for your workspace as well. A neat area keeps your mind focused on the tasks at hand and keeps you relaxed in your headspace. Keep your desks clean and leave only the essential things that you need for work or study.

You can use different desk shapes to maximise your space such as an L-shaped desk for placing your workspace in the corner of a room. 

You can also consider standing desks as they can help improve mood and energy levels.

Are you sitting comfortably?

Comfortable working sitting
Having a mesh on the back of an office chair allows your back to breathe

Good, then we’ll begin!

It may sound obvious but making sure you have a very cosy seat that can hug your body the whole time you’re sitting down is essential when we’re talking about comfort.

For desk chairs, consider having a mesh back office chair so that air circulation in your seat can keep you comfortable for long hours.  

If you’re having to be in front of a computer for a good part of the day, make sure to get up every hour or so and stretch your legs and take your eyes away from your screen to refresh yourself.

And when you return to your seat, your backrest design will keep your back cool to help you focus more on working and being productive.

You can also use this premium Executive Swivel Chair that has just the right amount of cushioning to support your body weight for the whole day.

Get the temperature right

A huge part of being comfortable is achieving the optimal temperature within the room.

This can be difficult in an office environment where people have varying tastes. However, a happy medium can be found if the team communicates well. 

The proper room temperature allows one to focus more on your work. For those with air conditioning or heaters, you can adjust the thermostat to the perfect temperature.

Have proper office decor

Organise your paperwork, writing materials, and other items properly and make your workspace neat. 

Live plants or even faux plants are welcome. You can place small plants on your desk to decorate your area as well and give your space a sense of life.

At the same time, you can also use decors or paint your walls with neutral colours which can calm your mood. This will naturally improve your mental health.

Go ahead and get comfortable

These ideas will hopefully help you transform your work environment into a comfortable and welcoming space where you’re happy and ready to work. And it’s so simple to do!

Just making sure everything is tidy and you have a nice seat can help so much. And then adding the perfect light and temperature will improve things even more.

Coming soon to Yavolo in September 2023, are even more ways to make your workplace a comfortable space.

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Last Update: January 30, 2024

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