In these times of rising energy bills and cold winters in the UK, we’re constantly looking for alternatives to expensive central heating to warm us up on chilly evenings. One of those is a space heater.

Plenty of people are turning towards this alternative and we’re here to help you use them as safely as possible.

A space heater is a quick and portable way to direct heat to a spot and make you feel comfortable almost anywhere in your home. You won’t have to heat the whole house or even a whole room with one of these in use.

But even more paramount than the apparent cost benefits, safety is key to using a space heater.

Looking after and using your space heater correctly should ensure you use it safely but we’ll give you some helpful tips to follow so you keep warm and safe.

Plug It Directly To The Wall

Space heaters require plenty of electricity to generate the heat they do, whether that’s an infrared, electric or fan heater.

To provide the electricity needed, the safest plan is to plug them directly into a wall socket, rather than an extension cord, even if you are using a heavy-duty extension lead.

This will ensure your heater doesn’t overheat maintaining safety in your home. If you are still worried, check out this reliable 15KW industrial gas heater which won’t have the same electrical drawbacks.

Keep them dry

This is a tip that will hopefully not come as too much of a surprise. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that both electricity and water don’t mix too well.

You’ll do well to keep the two apart as much as you can.

Place Them On a Level Floor

Space Heater Safety 3
Space heaters should be placed on a level floor

When using a space heater, placing them on a level surface, preferably the floor is a great idea. This will ensure they are far harder to knock over.

It is, however, worth noting that if you have pets or children running around at knee height, you may want to add some protection around your heater to keep them safe while they play.

This safety fence is a great example of something you could use to go around your heater. It’s sure to make it safe for all.

Position them carefully

Place the space heater and power chord itself with care to ensure safe movement around them for all in your house.

Keep the space heater upright to ensure the vents are clear at all times to ensure it’s safe to use.

Inspect Regularly

Regularly check your space heaters if the cords and cables are still intact. When you see stripped wires, it is best to have them repaired or replaced.

Furthermore, check for safety labels. Make sure it was tested by a recognised testing facility before using it.

Stay in while it’s running

It’s best to only turn it on when you’re in and not leave the house with it running. You want to make sure you’re around to maintain the safety of your own home when your space heater is on.

If anything untoward happens while you’re in the house, you’ll be able to quickly respond which wouldn’t be the case if you leave it unattended.

Make It A Smart One

Space Heater Safety 2
Space Heaters can be connected to smart speakers with the help of smart home plugs

Nowadays, modern space heaters have smart controls which will allow you to schedule when it turns on and off and switch it off altogether wirelessly which is a great safety feature.

If you still fancy using a regular heater but would like the safety features, you can use a trusty smart plug like this Smart Home Plug. This allows you to switch the power on and off on your phone. You can even connect It to a smart assistant such as Alexa or Google Home.

Keep It Away From Flammable Items

Of course, space heaters get hot, after all, you’re trying to heat up your room. Just make sure to only heat the right sort of stuff, i.e. nothing flammable such as any fabric or wood.

Also, it’s a good idea not to cover any wires with rugs and make sure to keep the vents on your vents clear at all times.

Unplug When Not In Use

A simple but effective one, when your space heater is not in use, make sure you unplug it. This is an easy way to save money and ensure it isn’t turned on accidentally or by any children easily.

General House Safety

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Smoke detectors and alarms are essential pieces of safety equipment for any household

Every house, regardless of whether you are running a space heater or not, should be fitted with smoke detectors. 

Place your space heater in a room which is fitted with a smoke detector. You’ll then have greater peace of mind when using your heater.

This FireAngel smoke detector is brilliant. It is sure to send out an alarm if there is a fire or smoke in the surrounding area.

Safety is paramount

Safety is very important when dealing with space heaters. The main thing to remember is that they are absolutely safe to use when bearing in mind everything we’ve talked about in this article.

Coming soon to Yavolo in September 2023, are plenty more options for heating your home or ways to save money during the cost-of-living crisis.

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Last Update: January 30, 2024