We all understand the importance of making our furry friends feel safe and comfortable, especially in their kennels. Whether you’re an experienced dog owner or a novice, this blog post is here to guide you in creating a delightful haven for your beloved canine companion. And guess what? We have an exciting announcement for you—we’ll soon be stocking a range of high-quality dog kennels and bundling them with perfectly paired products but more on that later! So, let’s dive in and discover how you can make your dog feel right at home in their kennel.

I. Choosing the Perfect Kennel

Finding the ideal kennel is the first step in creating a comfortable space for your pup. Consider factors like your dog’s breed, size, and intended use. Are you looking for a kennel for travel, training, or home use? Whatever your needs, there is a kennel out there which suits them perfectly.

II. Creating a Welcoming Environment

A. Selecting Comfortable Bedding

Elevate your dog kennel with our marketplace's premium products. Comfort, style, and wondrous affordability await!
We love a good blanket and our furry friends are the same! So make sure to add their favourite to their kennel

Imagine sinking into a soft, plush bed after a long day—it’s pure bliss, right? Well, our furry friends deserve the same level of comfort! Opt for comfortable bedding options like orthopaedic foam, plush blankets, or washable mats. Not only do these provide cushioning, but they also offer warmth during colder months.

B. Adding Personal Touches

Just like us, dogs find comfort in familiar scents and belongings. Consider placing your dog’s favourite blanket, toy, or even an item of clothing with your scent in their kennel. This will make the space feel like a delightful retreat, filled with love and familiarity.

III. Making the Kennel Inviting

A. Location and Placement

The placement of a kennel can make or break a dog’s experience in their home

Location, location, location—it matters for your dog’s kennel too! Choose a quiet and low-traffic area for the dog kennel. They appreciate a tranquil space where they can relax undisturbed. Think about placing the kennel in a corner of the garden or a cosy nook that feels safe. And if you’re constantly on the move, portable kennels offer the flexibility you need.

B. Creating a Calming Ambience

To establish a serene atmosphere around the kennel, try using dimmed lighting or playing soft, soothing music nearby. These elements can help calm your dog’s nerves and create a peaceful ambience.

IV. Positive Reinforcement and Training

Positive reinforcement training will help give a dog kennel a homely feel for a dog

Crate training can be a positive experience for your dog when done right. Start by introducing your furry friend to the kennel gradually, using treats and praise to associate it with positive experiences. Make sure the kennel is a place of relaxation, never a punishment.

V. Safety and Security

dog kennel security
A dog’s safety and security are incredibly important for a kennel’s design

Just like any other environment, a dog kennel should prioritise safety and security. Ensure proper ventilation to keep the air fresh and comfortable. Check for sturdy construction and secure latches to keep your dog safe.


You’ve now learned how to transform a dog kennel into a comfortable haven they’ll adore. Remember, the right kennel, coupled with comfortable bedding and familiar items, can truly make a difference in your furry friend’s happiness and well-being. And those items will be found in one convenient bundle on Yavolo very soon! With one easy click, you’ll be able to purchase your dog’s kennel and all the equipment needed to kit it out, creating a wonderful home for your pooch.

By considering the location, ambience, and incorporating positive reinforcement, you’re on the path to success. And don’t forget about safety—ensuring a secure environment is crucial.

We understand that as dog owners, you value both quality and affordability. That’s why we’re committed to offering a selection of products that meet your needs while being conscious of your budget.

How can we help?

We believe that every dog deserves a comfortable haven, and Yavolo will provide you with the tools to make it happen. From durable and spacious kennels to plush bedding options, we’ve got you covered. You’ll also find interactive toys and comforting accessories to enhance your dog’s experience, all conveniently discounted and bundled with a matching kennel.

Our goal is to make the journey easier and more enjoyable for both you and your dog. We’re passionate about fostering a strong bond between you and your canine companion, and we believe that a comfortable kennel is a stepping stone towards that.

So, mark your calendars and stay tuned for the launch of Yavolo which is coming before the end of the year! By joining our community through our newsletter, you’ll be the first to know about any exciting new products designed with your dog’s happiness in mind.

Remember, a comfortable kennel is more than just a place for your dog to rest—it’s their sanctuary, their safe haven. By investing in their comfort and well-being, you’re nurturing a loving and trusting relationship. Together, let’s create a home within a home for our beloved furry friends.

Thank you for being a part of our dog-loving community. We can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey with you. Stay tuned, stay positive, and get ready to make your dog’s dreams come true with the help of our range of quality dog kennels and accessories!

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Last Update: January 31, 2024

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