Rattan chairs are like Vespas or Mini Coopers – they’re classic yet timeless.

These home furniture staples give out a classic design but can still fit a modern-themed home if restored properly and given plenty of TLC.

If you have some older rattan chairs and are perhaps looking at investing in some new ones, we’re here to tell you that you can easily transform them into a vibrant focal point for your garden.

In this blog, we’ll explain how to restore them to their former glory to complement the other lovely features in your space.

What You’ll Need

  • Paint Brush
  • Paint
  • Masking Tape
  • Sponge
  • Soap
  • Dry Old Towel
  • Old Newspaper
  • Sandpaper (optional)
  • Glue Gun (optional)
  • Nail Gun (optional)
Rattan Chairs 4
When you have finished, you’ll have a rattan set fit for any function or event

Step 1: Clean Your Rattan Chair

First of all, take a look if your rattan chair needs a quick repair.

This is where you could use your sandpaper, glue gun, and nail gun. If there are loose wicks or rattan strands popping out, repair them by sticking them back in.

You can use a glue gun to put them back together. Or better yet, use a small nail gun to fasten strands back in but be careful to keep it nice and neat.

You can give your chairs that final pristine finish using sandpaper to remove any blemishes or scratches that may have accumulated over the years.

Once done with these steps, you can move on to clean the chairs. Or, if they were already spick and span, get out that soap and scrub away!

Apply liquid soap onto a sponge and scrub the chair to get the loose dirt off. Wash after with water to remove any leftover soap suds.

You can then use an old towel or something you don’t mind getting dirty to wipe the rattan chairs totally dry before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Apply Primer

Once the rattan is lovely and dry, it will be ready for the primer and paint which will now stick perfectly to the dry material.

Lay down sheets of newspaper on the floor around and underneath the chairs so any spilt paint is gobbled up by the paper rather than your beautiful patio.

Apply an even layer of primer on anything that will be painted later. A primer leaves a smooth surface on the rattan so that paint will stick better. You can use a spray-on primer if desired.

If you want to leave certain parts untouched, you can use masking tape to cover them up.

Allow the primer to dry before moving on to the painting stage of the process.

Step 3: Paint

If you want some extra help in selecting your paint, head on down to our section detailing which types of paint you can use while painting your rattan chairs.

Once you have selected the perfect paint for your project, use a clean brush to apply it directly to the wicker furniture. 

Allow at least an hour for the paint to dry. If you want the colour to be even bolder on your furniture, you can add a second layer of paint.

Once you are happy with the colour, you can let the paint dry to reveal your glorious creations.

Step 4: Touch Up

Paint can take a while to perfectly cure the rattan. This process can take up to two weeks.

You can touch up the paint job to create that irresistible finish for your chairs. Or, if you want an even darker shade, it’s not too late to achieve that with a further coat.

When it completely dries, you’re good to start using your chairs again in your garden.

What Type Of Paint Can You Use?

Rattan Chairs
You can use lots of different types of paint to give your rattan chairs the TLC they deserve

There are several types of paint you can use for your rattan garden chairs. But we have picked the most common and, in our view, best options for you to make this DIY project as easy and lovely as possible.

All-Purpose Paint

The clue is in the name, all-purpose paint works on almost any surface. This includes painting on rattan furniture.

It’s probably your best bet. It is easily available in most hardware stores and is reasonably priced.

You can also use it on other projects too, including other outdoor surfaces as it can handle rain and other weather types well.


If you’re looking for a matte finish, chalk paint is the best option for you.

In addition to that, it is very simple to apply and can be painted on wet or dry surfaces. So you won’t have to wait quite as long for the primer layer to dry completely.

When you’re done, you can also apply chalk-based furniture wax for a more complete look.

Oil-Based Paint

Oil-based paints are durable and can stand the worst weather and is perfect for indoor or outdoor application.

If you’re using it for your rattan dining chairs then this should give the best glossy paint job.

Spray Paint

For maximum convenience, spray paints are easy to find anywhere and very simple to apply. This type of paint dries quickly as well.

The best thing about spray paint is that there is a wide range of colours available.

Of course, a sprayer is required to apply this paint consistently.

Sink into your rattan chairs

Rattan Chairs 3
Your newly painted rattan chairs are now the perfect place into which you can sink after a day’s work

DIY projects like these are very fulfilling as you can transform a well-loved piece of furniture and give it a new lease of life so it can become a real focal point in your garden.

Perhaps when you’re done with your rattan chairs, you can turn your attention to other parts of your garden space which may require a touch-up or that TLC we mentioned before.

But for now, take a chair and relax in your newly restored rattan chairs.

You’ve earned it!

Coming soon to Yavolo in September 2023, are even more ways to reinvigorate your garden using your own DIY skills.

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Last Update: January 30, 2024

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